Parent/Carer Open Afternoons
We hold two parent/carer afternoons each year, one in the autumn term and one in the spring term. They run from 1:30pm until 6:30pm. This is an opportunity to meet with the class teacher to discuss your child’s progress and their targets for the coming term. If for any reason you can’t attend on that afternoon, please speak with the class teacher who will be happy to arrange another time to meet with you.
Please check the school calendar to see the date of the next parent/carer afternoon.
Parent View Questionnaire
We value the views of our children and parents and ask parents to complete a questionnaire at each Parent/Carer Open Afternoon. We welcome feedback from parents and pupils at all times so please do contact us if you have any feedback for us between these times.
School Improvement for Parents and Carers 2022-23
Park is always trying to improve its offer so that your children are happy, safe and they are therefore able to learn well. With this in mind, our school improvement priorities for this academic year (now that the children are back in and thriving again after a very challenging few years) are:
- To raise standards in all areas so that all children are well equipped to face the next stage and phase of their education, able to compete with their peers and can be confident in their own ability.
- To embed a new approach to inclusion so that children on individual pathways and children who require a differentiated curriculum are expected to make good progress.
- To provide a curriculum with effective challenge which builds on previous learning so that all children are able to make good progress as a result of the excellent teaching and stimulating curriculum that they are provided with.
We will continue to:
- focus on mental health and wellbeing so that children are able to learn well and staff are able to educate well;
- provide a curriculum which is delicious, varied and interactive;
- focus on the children’s capacity to learn through building their Learning Power (concentration, connections, collaboration, independence, resilience; resourcefulness etc);
- work with you in a transparent manner so that you are always empowered to question us and talk to us and we will always listen and learn.
Ofsted Parent View
Parent View is an online questionnaire for you to give your views about this school at any time of the year. At the time of an Ofsted inspection, parents are also invited to give inspectors their views using Parent View.
Please log on to share your views about Park.