Park Primary is a large, vibrant primary school in Stratford in East London.
We are a three form entry school, ranging from Nursery to Year 6.
Our school is part of a multicultural community and we enjoy celebrating this diversity.
At Park we aim for all to be the very best version of themselves and we believe that practice and hard work results in progress. We are aspirational at all times. Academic, creative, emotional, physical and social achievements are all valued, as we develop the skills and acquire the knowledge we need as we grow.
We believe that happy, safe children are more likely to achieve well and therefore we aim for our curriculum to be ‘delicious’ and engaging as well as stimulating.
What are the strengths of Park?
‘The strength of unity amongst the staff team carries through all aspects of the school and makes for a very special environment for children and parents and staff alike.’
~Parent of a child in Reception February ’23
Following our recent parent/ carer survey, these are the areas that our parents and carers thought were our strengths:
- communication
- leadership
- the way we care
- relationships
- broad and balanced curriculum
- happy pupils
- focus on wellbeing
- the way we nurture our pupils
To view what our Parents/Carers and staff have said about Park, please click on one of the links below:
Message from the Head Teacher
Welcome to our school. Here at Park we are passionate about creating a place of learning which is populated with aspirational, confident, creative and caring individuals. Exemplary relationships exist throughout and, because of this, respect thrives.
We believe that when children are confident they maintain a voice, they respectfully speak out; ensuring their opinions are heard and they are thereby increasingly instrumental in their own learning.
We think that with creativity comes an ability to respond imaginatively and to problem solve resourcefully. Our curriculum emphasises language, drama and art but, at Park, creativity s so much more than a focus on the creative arts.
In addition to our core values of aspiration, confidence, creativity and care we also place a high priority on British Values which we value as our own.
We expect all of our learners (myself included) to:
- Be curious, explore new things
- Concentrate
- Co-operate
- Have a go
- Keep improving, persevere
- Use their imagination, be creative
We believe these are the ‘keys to success’ and, as such, we ensure that our curriculum provides many opportunities to hone these lifelong learning powers. We believe that if these dispositions are developed in all our learners we will be well-equipped to thrive in our ever-changing and challenging world. Park’s Three Tiered Approach
Rights and Responsibilities
As a learner at Park you have the right to make progress and learn in a safe and stimulating place.
We all accept that with rights come responsibilities; everybody who is part of the Park community is responsible for contributing to its continual growth and for safeguarding everyone’s wellbeing (physical and emotional).
As a parent at Park you have the right to expect your child to enjoy their learning and make progress. You also have the right to expect that we will do all we can to ensure your child’s safety and wellbeing.
We have a culture of consent: we believe we should ask first. In this way we hope to empower our children to say ‘no’ if something does not feel right.
We look forward to working together to ensure that every individual aspires to be the very best version of themselves through high expectations for all.