Drama is an incredibly important and popular element of our curriculum offer at Park. Every fortnight, all children have a drama lesson in the drama studio with a Performing Arts coach as part of their Creative Arts day (CAT day). These sessions complement the learning that is taking place in the classroom, and support our children to develop their confidence, oracy and performance skills.
Each year, all children perform in our Winter Showcase and our Choral Speaking event. In Year 2, Year 4 and Year 6, the children perform in a year group performance; it is always wonderful to see how the children progress over the years, developing their aptitude and flair.
Our Year 5 children have the opportunity to participate in the Shakespeare Schools Festival, where they perform one of Shakespeare’s plays at Broadway Barking Theatre. This academic year, they brought the house down with a stunning rendition of ‘Much Ado about Nothing’.
We believe in supporting our pupils to access the cultural richness of London – particularly given Newham’s status as an ‘Area of low cultural participation’ (Arts Council, 2018) – and we link up with theatres in Stratford, Barking and in the West End. Previously, Year 6 took part in a project with Stratford Circus Arts Theatre focused on ‘A Winter’s Tale’. In recent years, we have taken Year 4 and 5 pupils to see Matilda the Musical, to support their wider cultural appreciation.